Red Sun Risings “Thread” tour hit the Chameleon Club in Lancaster, PA on March 23, 2018. This tour is supporting Red Sun Rising’s upcoming album “Thread” which will be released on May 30, 2018. Opening the show were two local bands Imbūed and None Given. Imbūed is supporting their EP “Stand Fight Love” released in 2017. None Given is currently working on an album and have a single on ITunes, Gaslight.
Imbūed consists of Brian Reilly (vocals), Michael Reilly (guitar), Eric Castillo (guitar), Andrew Spangler (bass/vocals), and Dave Hiester(drums). I very rarely like a band out of the gate. I had never heard of Imbūed before this night and I was blown away. The perfect vocals, screaming guitars, smooth bass lines and heavy hitting drums, were a perfect combo. Brian is the main vocalist but shares the duty with Andrew; they have offset vocals that add a certain depth to the songs. The whole crowd was into their set and singing along to a couple of songs. Catch these guys now before they blow up, I guarantee it will happen.
None Given consists of Robert Conahan (vocals/guitar), Gary Conahan (bass/vocals) and Ryke Martin (drums). None Given has a Southern Rock/Soul feeling. Robert’s vocals and guitar playing were smooth and Gary and Ryke together held a tight rhythm section. They played their released single Gaslight towards the end of their set; it has a very catchy guitar riff and interesting beat. They had a very solid set but lacked the pizazz of the first act.
Red Sun Rising consists of Mike Protich (vocals/guitar), Ryan Williams (guitar), Ricky Miller (bass/vocals), Dave McGarry (guitar/vocals) and Pat Gerasia (drums). Red Sun Rising is a high octane, pop infused rock band that actually prefers not to pigeonhole themselves into a genre. They opened their set with Push from their 2015 release “Polyester Zeal”. This track is fast paced and in your face; its danceable and moshable if you’re in that kind of mood. If you’re going to run a marathon this song should be on your playlist. Mike moved through the vocals flawlessly and rest of the band did not miss a beat. Next up was The Otherside, this song went to #1 on the Main Stream Rock Charts. The entire crowd was bouncing and singing along. This song reminds me of vintage Alice in Chains, it starts off with a reminiscent grunge feel and deep harmonizing vocals. The chorus is big and bold and invites everyone to sing at the top of their lungs. They played two new songs; Deathwish and Fascination. Deathwish is their current single, it starts with a buzzy riff, beating of the toms, and thumping bass. It goes from a sort of funk song into a heavy hitting rock track during the chorus. They blend several styles of music to make each song interesting. At the end of the song Mike thanked everyone for rocking out to the new music. Fascination was probably new to most people in the room. This one starts off with distorted guitars and harmonics, followed by a beating snare drum. The guitar work in this song is super cool throughout.
The played other hits such as Amnesia and Emotionless. One highlight of the night was their acoustic version of Alanis Morissette’s Uninvited. This song is haunting by itself but Mike pulls off a super high octave vocal performance that is really impressive to here live.
Red Sun Rising is a super impressive band both in musicianship and showmanship. They own the stage and have fun doing it. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching a band that is emoting pure joy from the stage. This tour has just started and is making its way across the country. They are just beginning their album cycle so there will be plenty of upcoming opportunities to catch them.
Full show gallery here!
