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Halestorm Shook Palmer, Alaska at the Alaska State Fair

ChelseaJean Leppanen

Halestorm shook Palmer Alaska this Saturday evening at the Borealis Theater located

in the core of the Alaska State Fair Grounds. Die hard fans and Storm virgins packed

into the venue in the heart of the Matanuska Valley .

Alice with KWHL 106.5 introduced the real life Electric Mayhem! The four of them

rushed on stage. Lzzy Hale claiming her center stage microphone armed with her

signature guitar. AreJay Hale (kid brother to singer & founding member) in his

drum tower behind his sister. With shields of green drums, and wooden swords he

brought Animal's spirit to life. (Muppet reference). Along with long time members, Josh

Smith who is the master of bass guitar, keys & vocals . Plus guitarist, back up vocals

and photo guru Joe Hottinger also armed with his guitar.

“Raise your horns, raise them high, let them soar” she conducted her fans through

flawless notes powered with grit h grace. Horns rose all through the crowd like a wave

of soldiers saluting their commander, then she pulled the pin and burst into “I Miss The


Lzzy’s vocals soared to the mountain tops. Which for reference Pioneer Peak in direct

view from stage & the Chugach mountains are well over 6,000 feet .

Snow wouldn’t be able to stick with how Lzzy delivered heat from strings to screams.

Behind the microphone you can see her switch from Lzzy with her Cheshire smile to

Mz Hyde and her smoldering smirks that makes the crowd call for more. Her

rendition of “Crazy On You” from her legendary female role models Heart, mashed up with

their hit “I Get Off”, had fans powered up for more. Their hit Apocalyptic from their 2015

album Into The Wild Life was also a crowd favorite along with “Mayhem" made Alaska

rock like an earthquake.

Josh on bass was flashing his smile from behind his shades. He not only plays the

strings but key board as well and brings us the heart felt thumps songs can’t be without.

Joe brought an arsenal of guitars that he rotated and showed off during the almost 2

hour performance.

This was personally my 16 th show and can’t say I’ve ever seen them smile so much. The

love they have for each other and the passion for their work is powerful. They genuinely

seemed to be enjoying the moments as much as the crowd was.

During “Familiar Taste of Poison” Lzzy brought out roses. She sings while using the

rose as a wand, casting spells on the ladies reaching for the chance to receive the rose

from the queen herself. It’s turned into a tradition that I personally hope she continues for

the years to come.

Lzzy left notes of empowerment, inspiration and gratitude throughout the evening

between songs. Reminding us that for this moment right now nothing else matters but

the Rock Show! And hugged the crowd verbally by reminding us that this place and

space is our sanctuary and sang "Steeple".

AreJay came down from the drums and delivered fist bumps and hand shakes and a set

of drum sticks to two younger lads who kept their horns raised the entire show.

This family based band made the Alaskan Freak Family feel seen, appreciated and


There were so many young faces in the crowd and over heard several people saying,

“ this is my first rock show”, from all ages and stages.

The chatter as the crowd left was full of respect and admiration for a band that started

because a brother & sister started something they believed in 20 plus years ago and

never stopped working hard to make their dreams come true.

Here’s to them! Another mind blowing evening with Halestorm. Fingers crossed it’s not

12 more years before they return for another run here at the Alaska State Fair.

2 則留言

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評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Wonderful pics!! Well done!


評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Woo woo


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