Breaking Benjamin kicked off their spring/summer concert madness at Wind Creek Events Center in Bethlehem, PA. They've been booked solid for years and I do not see them slowing down any time soon. This leg of the tour features Daughtry and Catch Your Breath. The show was completely sold out to the point where people were standing in the lobby of the venue trying to get a glimpse of the stage. The floor was packed to the brim with little elbow room to breathe. This is probably one of the smallest venues that Breaking Benjamin has played in some time with a tour package like this. The last two times I covered them they were in venues that held 20,000 people. This event was around 3,000.
First up were Catch Your Breath. They are in constant rotation on Sirius XM Octane so I knew quite a bit of their material just for airplay. Their songs are good and catchy but in all honestly there's nothing outstanding that sets them apart from most of the other newer bands that are played on Octane. Their set was high energy and had the audience bouncing along. Frontman Josh Mowery did not stand still for one moment. He ran back and for across the stage the entire set. They played 8 songs in a compact set which included hits, "Savages", "Dial Tone" and their current single "21 Gun Salute" They are solid, I am just hoping for something out the box from them that will set themselves apart from the pack in the future.
Daughtry headlined Wind Creek Event Center with their acoustic tour this past summer so it was a quick return with the their fully plugged in show. I've been following Chris since his days in American Idol. His charismatic smile and warm vocal tone just sucked me in from day 1. The band played 11 songs in a one hour set. It was jam packed with fan favorites, a solo acoustic cover from Chris and a drum solo.
The band started with "Changes are Coming", "World on Fire" and their insanely good cover of Journey's, "Separate Ways". After their blazing opening and drum solo, Chris slowed it down with an acoustic cover of the Deftone's song, "Change (In the House of Flies)". He said it's a song he wished he had written. Then came the surprise of the night, they debuted their new single, "Pieces". What a special treat this was. The song featured heavy and gritty guitar, Chris' signature vocal licks and heartfelt lyrics. The audience was left in awe.
They closed out their set with a couple of older tracks and a couple of newer ones. The night ended with their last single "Artificial". Daughtry always puts on a great show. Chris and the band have great energy and just exude happiness from the stage. They were the best lead in possible to Breaking Benjamin.
Breaking Benjamin has been a staple in my musical rotation since I heard "Diary of Jane" many moons ago. Every one of their songs is a hit. Their songs are radio friendly and singable for the masses. Even if you show up at their show as a casual fan, I can guarantee you will sing along to almost every song, if not all of them.
As I had stated earlier this venue was at absolute capacity and undersized for a band of their stature. With that being said I love this venue. I frequent it while working and just as a fan. Their recent upgrades to their sound system honestly elevated them to be able to handle bands of this size and make sure that they are being represented in an outstanding way.
Breaking Benjamin squeezed in 17 hits during their 90+ minute set and dusted off some older tracks that have not been played in a minute. They performed "Failure", "Until the End", "Blow Me Away", "Polyamorous" and closed out the night with "Diary of Jane". Surprise older tracks were "Crawl" and "Without You". The crowd while packed in did their best to jump, sway and sing throughout the night.
As the show wrapped I made my way to the merch booth and bought a hoodie. Let me just thank Breaking Benjamin for having a pullover and it wasn't black. As a fan this is the best way to support your favorite band at every level.
This was another amazing tour rolling through the Lehigh Valley. All three bands have packed schedules, make sure you get out this summer and support live music.